Bluetec Cabinetry LTD is committed to ending the spread of COVID-19. Our employees are trained and prepared to keep a safe work environment for themselves and our clients.
should notify their supervisor and follow CDC recommended precautions.
clothes in hot water and sanitizer.
(telephones, keyboards, hand tools, building products) need to be wiped with
the appropriate disinfectant regularly.
In order to support workers ability to practice a high degree of hygiene, each jobsite will be
equipped with a sink and soap, if it is available in the market. In addition, disinfectant gel
stations will be placed at each job-site for site workers use. They will also be equipped with
Lysol disinfectant sprays and Clorox sanitizing wipes to use on common surfaces throughout
the work area.
The following PPE will be provided for Bluetec Cabinetry LTD employees at the project.
Subcontractors will be required to supply their workers with PPE.
• Gloves
• Mask/Facial Covering (covers mask and nose)
• Safety Glasses/Face Shield
Each subcontractor will receive a Daily Worker Health Log that will need to be completed for
each worker on site and provided to the Superintendent before entrance to the project.
Superintendents should maintain a sufficient number of copies of the Log on hand for
distribution to subcontractors.
In addition, all personnel arriving at the jobsite will receive a no contact digital temperature
scan. If the scan reads 100.4F or higher they will be asked to leave the site.
Additional safety information, guidelines, and resources are available at: